Wednesday, November 28, 2012

28 November 2012 -- Palazzo Strozzi in Firenze

I feel almost normal today after sleeping all night. There are several pesky mosquitoes nibbling away at me during the night. I can feel the flutter of their wings. How do they survive in this heavy rain?

I left for school early to check on the level of the River Arno. It was higher but not alarmingly. Today it rained all day but stopped around 4.00.  

The streets in the center of Firenze are normally closed to most traffic, with the exception of taxis and police. At 8.30 in the morning it's a different city! One big traffic jam of delivery trucks. They are bumper to bumper stopped, everyone making deliveries. Yesterday I saw specialty trucks stacked with firewood. dairy, meat, fruit, laundry and product. In the piazzas, street cleaning trucks whirl away. And, it's quiet as people quickly do their work. I heard no horns honking in impatience nor did I see anyone hanging out talking.  No cigarette breaks.  The restricted access is strictly enforced and the workmen use their time wisely. 

School is fantastic. Wish I could extend my stay to months. I asked my teacher Patrizia for help today. I need to buy both a deck of Tarot and Scopa cards. She called around for me and gave me directions. They carry these items in Tabaccheria shops. I bought two decks of Florentine style Scopa. One is a gift for Michele my Roman Italian teacher. Still looking for the Venetian Tarot cards. 

Anna Maria, from Spain, passed me note today and asked to meet for coffee at Gilli in Piazza della Republica at 4. I took pictures of sweets in their windows.

She must have misjudged her time, because I didn't see her there. We'll have to try again. She is someone I could be friends with. As I stood outside waiting I saw a rainbow forming over the Battistero (Baptistry).  The lighting here is gorgeous. I did get a picture, but it had almost faded by the time I walked down to the Piazza del Duomo.

Each trip, I attend Palazzo Strozzi's  current exhibition.  Each normally run 6 months. I took a few moments this time to read over the history of this palazzo.

Possible portraits of Palla Strozzi and his son Lorenzo (Adoration of the Magi, Gentile da Fabriano)

At 5.30 I had a reservation at Palazzo Strozzi for 'Let's Talk Art.'  I was paired with a young Florentine woman who wanted to practice her English and I could try my Italian. Together, she and I toured the exhibit 'The thirties. The Arts in Italy Beyond Fascism.'   Exhibition information

I paid 5€ for the event which was half the price of a normal ticket.

I would not have attended this particular show because of its topic. It was a unique experience to share with a stranger. We both enjoyed two hours conversing about art in two languages. 

At 7.30 I headed home, ready to call it a night. But 10 minutes later, I decided to make another trip to the laundromat. Clothes take forever to dry in the rain. 

The boots I brought with me are older and so uncomfortable. I keep looking to see if I can find soft Uggs. Maybe tomorrow. Then I'm tossing these old boots. 

The outside shutters are closed on my room window tonight. Now I can open my window wider without worry of it raining in the room.

Borgo SS. Apostoli, from the door of Hotel Cestelli

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