I found French pastry at a Gelson's! It's a very expensive $10.99 a box but with no chemical additives. Made with just flour and butter. French butter!
I searched for a recipe and settled on one with gorgonzola, mascarpone and pears. Another recipe suggested walnuts on top. I experimented.
The pears are where the recipe went wrong. The end slice of the torta salata was delicious. But the bottom of the rest of the torta was soggy. It was not salvageable. Off into the trash it went.
I asked Marta in Cremona for advice. She told me pears have too much water, use green apples instead. She was also horrified at the cost of the sfoglia. She suggested making my own.
The taste of that end piece was wonderful, so I will try making this torta again. With apples and with a recipe.
I cut the pastry rolls in half. $2.50 a test is not too expensive.
Torta salata con gorgonzola e pere
1 disco di pasta brisée, 4 pere Williams, 200 gr gorgonzola dolce, 100 gr mascarpone, 50 gr gorgonzola stagionato, 10 ml latte, 10 gr burro, 1 tuorlo, 1 cucchiaio succo di limone, 1/2 cucchiaino di pepe verdi in grani pestato, sale fino
Per prima cosa accendete il forno a 200°
Mettete il latte ed il burro in un pentolino e mescolate a fuoco basso fino a quando il burro sarà sciolto.
Stendete la pasta brisée in una teglia utilizzando la carta forno nella quale è avvolta. Lasciate che la paste debordi un po' dalla teglia.
Spennelate la superficie della pasta con il burro fuso.
Bucherellate il fondo della pasta con le punte di una forchetta.
Mettete in una terrina il mascarpone e i due tipi di gorgonzola uniti con sale e pepe.
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