I made a very big mistake in not packing up the entire kitchen before allowing remodeling work to be done. I am still washing and cleaning, one month later.
The first night the workers left me, for good, I washed a few essential pans and dishes. Then I cooked a celebration meal, taking these pictures. The rice was in the freezer and the cherries only needed to be washed. It was an easy, fantastic dinner. I adore my new kitchen.
20July --
I am fixing that same chicken again tonight but with creamed potatoes.
I haven't had a moment of free time to do more than survival cooking for several months. A change in work schedules made my normal van pool ride unavailable and forced me to make a costly and brutally long daily commute.
Last week, my work schedule finally returned back to normal. My daily commute will be three hours shorter, giving me time for studying and cooking during the evening.
Chicken Breasts Cooked in Milk **
20July --
I am fixing that same chicken again tonight but with creamed potatoes.
I haven't had a moment of free time to do more than survival cooking for several months. A change in work schedules made my normal van pool ride unavailable and forced me to make a costly and brutally long daily commute.
Last week, my work schedule finally returned back to normal. My daily commute will be three hours shorter, giving me time for studying and cooking during the evening.
Chicken Breasts Cooked in Milk **
4-5 chicken breasts, pounded
½ onion, finely diced
white flour, for dusting
1 C dry white wine
1 C whole milk
Olive oil, extra virgin
Handful of fresh parsley, washed, trimmed and roughly minced.
Salt and pepper to taste.
Pound the chicken breasts and dredge in flour.
In a pan, sauté the finely diced onions until just brown.
Push the onions to the side and add the chicken breasts.
Cook until the chicken until lightly browned, turning once.
Add the wine and let it cook over a low flame, until the wine has completely evaporated.
(Note: the milk will curdle if not all the wine has evaporated.)
Add the milk. When
the sauce has thickened, sprinkle on the parsley, salt and pepper to taste.
Serve hot.
4-5 fettine di petto di pollo
½ cipolla
farina 00
vino bianco secco
un bicchiere di latte
olio extra vergine di oliva
un ciuffo di prezzemolo
sale e pepe
Lavare il prezzemolo e tritarlo finemente. Mettere da parte.
Tritare finemente anche la cipolla.
Salare le fettine di carne ed infarinarle leggermente.
In un tegame, scaldare qualche cucchiaio di olio e rosolarvi
la cipolla a fiamma dolce.
Unire le fettine di petto di pollo infarinate.
Farle rosolare qualche minuto, poi girarle e lasciarle
dorare anche sull’altro lato. Sfumare con del vino bianco e farlo evaporare
A questo punto aggiungere il latte e portare la carne a
Quando il sughetto comincerà a restringersi, aggiungere il
prezzemolo, un po’ di pepe e regolare di sale se necessario.
Servire i petti di pollo al latte ben caldi.
**Recipe copied from this Giallozafferano.it link: Petti-di-pollo-al-latte
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