Sunday, March 30, 2014


I've been craving these polpettine from the moment I saw their picture last week on the FaceBook page of  'Ricette di Sardegna'

These would be best made during a two day preparation time and not late in the afternoon when the cook is tired and starving. I also ate them plain, with a side of fresh cherry tomatoes.

I would also steam the eggplant the day before to save thirty minutes. The already cooled and cooked eggplant could then be easily mixed with the other ingredients. 

I quickly sautéd the polpette on a cast iron skillet, using very little olive oil. With a head start on crustiness, I then baked them for 20 minutes at 390 F. 

This recipe is a keeper!


1 medium sized eggplant, unpeeled but washed and cut into small cubes
½ C bread crumbs
1 t flour
2 egg yolks, beaten
2 garlic cloves, minced
25 g Italian parsley, chopped
60 g Grana or Parmigiana, grated
Olive Oil

Steam the cubed eggplant until soft.  Cool the pulp.
Mix all ingredients together by hand in a large bowl.  Form into walnut sized meatballs.
Fry quickly in a little olive oil.  Bake for 20 minutes at 390 F or until crispy

(Copied from:  RicetteDiSardegna)

INGREDIENTI: 4 melanzane medie, 2 tuorli d'uovo, 1 mazzetto di prezzemolo, 2 spicchi di aglio, 1 bicchiere di pangrattato, 1 cucchiaio di farina, sale q.b.

Sbucciate le melanzane, tagliatele a tocchetti e cuocetele a vapore finchè diventano morbide. Mettetele in una terrina, aggiungete i tuorli d'uovo, un trito di prezzemolo e aglio, un pizzico di sale, il pangrattato mischiato con la farina. Amalgamate il tutto con le mani e fate tante polpette. Passatele in un po di pangrattato, sistematele in una teglia e ponetele in forno gia caldo finchè saranno dorate. In alternativa friggetele in olio bollente.

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