Sunday, September 22, 2013

Italian Recipe: Piadina

Today I made piadina for lunch and they turned out perfect.

I fell in love with piadinas in Cremona.  I try to visit the piadineria whenever I can.

I brought home their menu for reference.  I called to check on getting a franchise several years ago, but they only support the region of Italy.  (

Rosa found a recipe which uses olive oil instead of lard (strutto).  We made them together in May at home in Cremona.  I brought Italian flour and leavening home with me.   My attempt to make authentic piadina has been successful!

Rosa’s Piadina

Makes 6 small piadina 

250 gr flour
125 gr milk, warmed
1-2 T olive oil
2 T lievito madre

Mix all the ingredients all together.  Let rise in a warm spot until the dough has risen a little and feels soft.
Divide into 6 small balls.  Roll each with a rolling pin on parchment paper which has been dusted with a little flour.  Cook one piece at a time on a cast iron or non-stick skillet. Cook 1-2 minutes each side.  Fold and fill with cheese and or ham.  Let warm until cheese has melted.  Add lettuce and sliced tomatoes if desired.

Rosa’s Piadina 
500 gr farina
250 gr latte
1-2 cucchiai d’olio

Mescoli tutto insieme.
Fai lievitare per circa mezz’ora.  Poi dividi in 5 palline, le stendi con il mattarello e le fai cuocere su una padella calda circa 1-2 minuti per parte.  Buon appetito!

From Wiki: 
Piadina or Piada is a thin Italian flatbread, typically prepared in the Romagna region (Forlì-Cesena, Ravenna and Rimini). It is usually made with white flour, lard or olive oil, salt and water. The dough was traditionally cooked on a terracotta dish (called teggia in the Romagnolo dialect), although nowadays flat pans or electric griddles are commonly used.
The Piadina has been added to the list of the traditional regional food products of Italy of the Emilia-Romagna Region.  (

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