I've had this recipe waiting for me! I found it on the blog for Alice.tv. I love the Alice cooking magazine and buy it whenever I'm in Italy. Alice is pronounced 'a lee chey' not like the English, Alice in Wonderland.
I made a special trip to Trader Joe's to buy coconut flour. Coconut flour smells heavenly, if you love coconut. It's marked as a 'super-food.' Really? I need more information.
The cake is fabulous. I did make one change, as I did not want to use 1 cup of olive oil. Instead, I used 1/2 cup good olive oil and 1/2 cup water. I did use Italian 00 farina (flour), now that I know I can buy it whenever I need to. The original recipe calls for self-rising flour. I added baking soda.
Also, the cake must be baked the full 40 minutes, until golden brown. The outside texture looked different to me. I almost under-baked it, as the toothpick test for doneness, indicated the cake was ready. I confess. I cut a slice and then decided to return it to the oven. Next time I would use a small loaf pan.
I took the picture, then I realized I needed that extra 1/2 cup of liquid, which I added.
Breakfast! A warm piece of cake with a fresh raspberry smoothie.
Coconut flour cake with chocolate chips
2 eggs
150 gr sugar
125 gr yogurt
150 gr 00 Farina (white flour)
1 t baking soda
1/2 C olive oil
1/2 C water
100 gr coconut flour
50 gr milk chocolate chips
Dried fruit (optional)
Mix the eggs and sugar.
Beat in the oil. Add yogurt and
flours, sifted together with baking soda.
Butter a cake pan or small loaf pan. Dust pan with flour. Pour in the cake batter.
Bake cake at 350 for 40 minutes. Dust with powdered sugar.
Cake al cocco e gocce di cioccolato
Che buoni i cake! E anche semplici da preparare! Cosa c'è di meglio per soddisfare un languorino pomeridiano o una allegra colazione? Potete anche provare la versione solo cioccolato, eliminando il cocco....O, al contrario, eliminare il cioccolato per ottenere un ottimo cake alla noce di cocco....Ma veniamo alla ricetta.
2 uova
150 gr di zucchero
125 gr di yogurt al cocco
150 gr di farina autolievitante
100 gr di olio di semi bio
100 gr di farina di cocco
50 gr di gocce di cioccolato
canditi ( facoltativo )
In una ciotola montate le uova con lo zucchero. Aggiungete
lo yogurt e la farina. Mescolate per bene. Unite l'olio a filo, il cocco e il
cioccolato. Imburrate uno stampo da cake e infarinatelo per bene, versate
l'impasto e cuocete a 180° per 40 minuti. Spolverizzate di zucchero a velo.
Copied from: Cake-al-cocco-e-gocce-di-cioccolato
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