Friday, February 28, 2014

Baked Marinated Chicken and Ribs (Pollo e Costine allo sciroppo d'acero)

I'm finally able to blog again after losing my cousin Lynn to a terrible illness. I've made several items this month and am now catching up with pictures I took as I cooked.

This recipe, on page 234 of  È Pronta by Benedetta Parodi, called for both chicken and pork ribs. I had only the chicken in my fridge, but I went ahead with testing.

This chicken was good and crispy, although it took some planning, as it needed to marinate overnight. It has a Chinese flavor and appearance to me.  I would love to make this again, adding the pork ribs.

Bernedetta writes, this is meant to be eaten with the fingers.  She makes no suggestions for a accompaniment.  I would serve rice.

Marinated Chicken and Ribs

3 pork ribs
3 chicken thighs or legs
125 ml unsweetened apple juice
2 t maple syrup
1 t soy sauce
1 t sesame seed oil
3 cloves garlic
1 cinnamon stick
1 sprig fresh rosemary

Place all ingredients in a strong plastic freezer bag and let sit overnight in the fridge.

When ready to cook, preheat the oven to 400 F.  Place chicken and marinate in an oven-proof casserole dish.  Bake for one hour.  Baste occasionally.


Pollo  e Costine allo sciroppo d'acero
3 costine di maiale
3 cosce di pollo
125 ml di succo di mela non zuccherato
2 cucchiai di sciroppo d’acero
1 cucchiaio di salsa di soia
1 cucchiaio di olio di semi
3 spicchi di aglio
1 stecca di cannella
rosmarino qb

Mettere le costine e i pezzi di pollo nei sacchetti da freezer
Aggiungere tutti gli altri ingredienti, amalgamando bene il tutto, prima di chiudere i sacchetti e lasciare marinare in frigorifero per tutta la notte
Trascorso questo tempo, versare il contenuto dei sacchetti in una grande teglia (lasciando il pollo con il lato della pelle verso l’alto), mettere in forno e cuocere a 200° per circa 1 ora e un quarto.

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